As prologue to the exhibition “infosphere” ZKM presented | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe Ryoji Ikeda’s “micro | macro “.
The Japanese artist deals with data, light and sound based on mathematical methods and physical theories to create immersive and expansive installations.
At ZKM Ikeda has worked site-specific and used the monumental architecture of the former munitions factory for a time and space complex presentation. His new, commissioned by the ZKM commissioned large installations “the planck universe [micro]” and “the planck universe [macro] ‘, and the two works from the series” supersymmetry “(2014) are closely synchronized, interwoven and counterpoint with each other. They transformed the whole exhibition in a single large, audiovisual symphony.
Ryoji Ikeda :: the planck universe [micro], JUN 21 – AUG 9 2015, ZKM, Karlsruhe, DE from ryoji ikeda studio on Vimeo.